Dominique Muñoz


Summary of Career

Dominique studied theater at the Universidad Mayor and has obtained following specializations:

  • Diploma in Education from Universidad de Chile.
  • Diploma in Executive Coaching from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Diploma in Education from IP Chile
  • Diploma in Theatre Pedagogy from Universidad de Chile
  • Diploma in Performing Arts from Universidad Mayor

  • She is Actress, Speaker and Executive Coach. Its main actions are aimed at developing human capital, primarily in strengthening individual skills and getting optimal performance team works. She has provided human capital advisories to companies like: Gener, Coca - Cola, RR Donnelley, German Clinic, Watts, Banco Edwards, Universidad Bernardo O’higgins, IP CHILE and Wallmart. She also has experience in staff development and communications.

    She has conducted several human capital training courses about teamwork, effective communication and customer care.